HUNT Dimming, the Fort Collins, CO-based lighting controls manufacturer, has announced its Simplicity™ Series Digital Dimming Systems now have Demand Response capabilities, offering a variable load-shedding strategy for interior building lighting.

Advance Celebrates 60th Anniversary
Commemorating a robust history and a tradition of service, innovation, and entrepreneurial spirit, Advance Transformer announces that the company will proudly celebrate its 60th Anniversary in 2005.

Introduction to Lighting Automation for the Home
Automated lighting control—programmable dimming and on-off control—can transform a home as well as the homeowner’s lifestyle. With declining costs and complexity, these systems are no longer exclusively the province of luxury homes.

HUNT Dimming Enhances Daylighting Functionality in its Custom LCD Touchscreens
HUNT Dimming, the Fort Collins, CO-based lighting controls manufacturer, has unveiled an enhanced version of its popular Custom LCD Touchscreen series of controls which incorporates new daylighting features.

Fluorescent Retrofits for High/Low-Bay Applications
Indoor spaces with high ceilings, such as factories, warehouses, big box retail stores, gymnasiums and all-purpose rooms are often lighted by probe-start metal halide lighting systems. At higher ceiling heights, 350W and 400W units are common …
Advancements in lamp and ballast technology have resulted in two alternatives to this basic system that can significantly reduce energy consumption while providing other benefits. The first alternative is fluorescent T8 or T5HO hi-bay fixtures, which can replace probe-start metal halide fixtures in retrofit or new construction for energy savings up to about 50%. The second alternative is pulse-start metal halide lamp-ballast systems, which can provide up to 25% energy cost savings in existing applications and up to 30% in capital and operating costs in new construction.

Personal Control: Boosting Productivity, Energy Savings
A number of studies demonstrate that personal dimming can result in higher productivity—specifically in the metrics of vigilance, motivation and satisfaction—and also in energy savings. This dual impact can result in an improved bottom line and more satisfied employees and tenants. These advantages are resulting in a significant new trend towards adoption of personal dimming solutions among designers and building owners.
This white paper makes the case for personal control, in particular giving occupants the ability to control their own light levels through dimming.
Port of Seattle Headquarters
Pier 69 on Seattle’s historic waterfront was built in 1931 to warehouse rolls of metal for the production of canned salmon containers. The only concrete pier on the waterfront, Pier 69 stretches over 750 feet long and 135 feet wide. Hewitt Isley tackled this stolid building to create a new home for the Port of Seattle’s administrative headquarters. Their dynamic reno-vation created what the Seattle Weekly named “one of the grandest indoor spaces in the Northwest.”