Delta Controls provided a BACnet open protocol Building Automation System (BAS) for the Beijing Olympic Park Underground Commercial Centre (BOPUCC). Delta Controls is a global leader in providing BACnet open protocol BAS systems with the world’s most comprehensive BACnet Testing Laboratories (BTL) listed product range. The Beijing Olympic Park Underground Commercial Center is located under the Olympic Lake the jewel of the Olympic Park, Beijing. This enormous 173,000m2 Underground Commercial center is located in the heart of the Beijing Olympic Park. North from this hub to the “Olympic Nest”, South East to the “Water Cube”, East to the Olympic Sightseeing Avenue opposite the Olympic International Media Center and West to the Subway.
During the 2008 Summer Olympics, this commercial center is the Olympic Committee operations control center, security guard control center, and subway transit center for Olympic spectators. After the 2008 Summer Olympics the main usage will be Sport leisure activities, creative cultural functions and commercial retail business usage.
The BAS installation was implemented in two stages, the first a 2-month fast track installation begun in June 2008 and completed in time for the opening of the 2008 Summer Olympics. Second stage implementation immediately following the 2008 Beijing Paralympics includes the final integration of miscellaneous building systems including lighting and 60 lifts. The final total of Input and Output (I/O) connections will be 7000 points plus 1000 integration points.
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